Premiere in Skandinavia.
Nomad Soul is a theatre performance using images, masks and puppets. A breathless journey into our most intimate thoughts and impressions.
Nomad Soul is inspired by the spirituality of native peoples, where the quest for consciousness and a connection with nature are the very essence of life.
The performance builds upon the wolf and the raven as symbolic representations of women, children and the elderly.
The character experiences many sides of herself, coming to life in a black and white world, which is created created by the use of poetic images, animated short films, illustration, sculpture, puppets, film and movement.
Nomad soul is a journey to the heart of the character, who develops an ability to change her perception of self.
Performance, idea: Magali Chouinard
Stage director: Richard Morin
Scenic writer: Myriame Larose
Video editor: Olivier Bochenek
Original sound track design: Julien-Robert
Dramaturgy: Karine St-Arnaud
Den Kreative Skole (2)
Friday 10. November at 17:00
Saturday 11. November at 15:00
Age: 12+
Language: Non verbal
Price: 75 kr.
Duration: 50 minuts
Buy tickets online (possible from Monday 4th September):Buy tickets here