Forman Brothers Theatre:
A poetic meeting in the moonlight

Festival of Wonder is proud to present a unique outside performance, which tells of a meeting between an 8 meter tall puppet and a dancer, high up in the evening sky over Gudenå.

The puppet is manipulated by 9 puppeteers, while the moonlight meeting is accompanied by newly composed music of Marko Ivanovic, one of the most prominent composers in Czech Republic. This giant puppet, which was part of the events surrounding the opening of Plzen, European Capital of Culture 2015, was made by Josef Sodomka og Petr Pisa. They are both in Silkeborg with the giant puppet and with the performance Obludarium.

The show in Silkeborg came about through cooperation between Ulla Dengsøe, Festival of Wonder and Petr Forman, artistic director of PLZEN, European Capital of Culture 2015.

The Giant Puppet will fly from Plzen to Silkeborg
By Petr Forman
Artistic Director, Pilsen, European City of Culture 2015

On the 17 January the city of Plzen in The Czech Republic became the European Capital of Culture for the year 2015. Thousands of people gathered that evening in the middle of the historical city in order to share the glorious moment under the windows of The Cathedral of St. Bartholomew. This evening four new cathedral bells were heard in one unique symphony for the first time after seventy years of silence.
Their voice announced the people all around the city and in the entire region that the city of Plzen invites Europe to join in various cultural experiences. This message spread across the Czech borders, and chimed the bells in several other European cities.
The strength of the moment and the voice of the bells woke up the giant iron knight, who guarded the city of Plzen both in bad and good times of its history.
The knight dropped the robe and turned himself into an Angel who flew over the crowded square deprived of his iron grip, and announced the time of opening the city gates to all the befriended countries of Europe in order to share their cultural heritage.
The Angel was reborn to give hope to all who believe in the powers of art, and believe that the world of art will open the city gates for ever.
On 2 November the Angel will fly towards the north, to the city of Silkeborg in the Danish Kingdom. Together with other Eastern Jutland cities Silkeborg will be part of the European Cultural Capital 2017.
On this very first long journey the Angel will convey his message to Silkeborg that has for many years already honoured the world of phantasy and puppets.
The Angel will fly to Silkeborg where people always believed that imagination is capable of awakening in both adults and children the sense for wonderment, playfulness, and the faith that even the seemingly dead and motionless things may, with a little bit of that faith, come to life, and tell us stories about ourselves, our wishes, dreams, and needs.

Director: Petr Forman. Puppet: Josef Sodomka and Petr Pisa. Music: Marko Ivanovic

Photo: Libor Nesvadba.


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[service_box title=”Venue and tickets” icon=”no” text=”Outside Jysk Musikteater ➎
Thursday 5/11 at 18:40 – 18:52
Friday 6/11 at 18:30 – 18:42
Saturday 7/11 at 18:40 – 18:52″]


[service_box title=”Information” icon=”no” text=”Age: All Language: Non verbal
Price: Free (no ticket)
Duration: about 12 minutes” btn_size=”normal” target=”_self”]


Festival of Wonder 2017